
Natural Medicine Telehealth Services


What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a form of integrative primary health care that combines the use of evidence-based natural therapies and conventional medical treatments.

The primary goal of naturopathic medicine and the way I practice is focused on supporting you by providing you with the tools you need to prevent disease and to ignite your body’s innate ability to heal.



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Less is More! 😴 While melatonin is a popular sleep aid, taking too much can lead to morning grogginess.

Studies show that a lower dose (2-3mg) is often just as effective as higher amounts. So, if you're feeling sluggish after waking up, try reducing your melatonin intake.

Higher doses (6mg or 9mg) can sometimes be beneficial for heartburn or antioxidant effects, but they're generally unnecessary for sleep support.

Tip: If you're aiming for these additional benefits, consider taking melatonin earlier in the evening to allow it to clear your system before bedtime.

Remember: Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your sleep routine, especially if you're taking medications.
#melatonin #sleep #health #wellness #vitaminsandsupplements
While supplements and medications can be helpful tools, they’re not magic wands. If you’re consistently:

😴 Sleep-deprived: Lack of quality sleep can disrupt your hormones, weaken your immune system, and contribute to various health issues.

🥤 Fueling your body with junk food: A diet rich in processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats can lead to chronic inflammation, chronic diseases, and low energy levels.

💦 Dehydrated: Water is essential for countless bodily functions, from digestion to regulating temperature. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and even kidney stones in more severe situations.

😵‍💫 Stressed and overwhelmed: Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels, leading to anxiety, depression, and other physical ailments.

✅ True health starts with the basics: quality, consistent sleep, consuming a diet that nourishes you, adequate hydration and proper stress management.

These foundational elements are the building blocks of optimal health. While supplements and medications can help, they cannot compensate for a poor lifestyle. Don’t get stuck in the cycle of using “natural bandaids” to suppress your symptoms instead of treating the root of the issue.

If you don’t know where to start, let’s chat! You can book a free discovery call using the link in my bio 😊 

#foundationsofhealth #healthylifestyle #foodismedicine #stressmanagement #supplements #greenallopathy
Your gut is home to trillions of tiny bacteria, and these bacteria play a huge role in your overall health. They help digest your food, produce vitamins, and even influence your mood.

What do these bacteria like to eat? You guessed it: fiber. And where do we find fiber? In fruits and vegetables. So, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier your gut bacteria will be.

But what if you can't always get fresh produce? That's where frozen fruits and vegetables come in. They're often flash-frozen right after being picked, which helps to preserve their nutrients. Plus, they're super convenient, more affordable, more accessible and can be stored for months!

The bottom line is: Any produce is better than no produce. Whether it's fresh, frozen, canned, or dried, fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients that your body and gut need to thrive. So, don't let the fear of frozen produce hold you back from eating a healthy, fiber-rich diet.

 #guthealth #eatyourfiber #fruitsandveggies #frozenproduce #healthmyths